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A participant will generally be able to access funding through the NDIS for transport assistance if the participant cannot use public transport without substantial difficulty due to their disability. Funding takes into account any relevant taxi subsidy scheme, and it does not cover transport assistance for carers to transport their family member with a disability for everyday commitments.


Please Note: This information is related to participant transport arrangements and does not relate to travel for providers of supports as detailed in the Support Cluster Definition and Pricing document on the website.

Trusted Homes

The Disability Trust provides quality housing supports to people with disability, through our Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), housing and tenancy management services for people with disability.

Community Housing Registration

The Disability Trust is registered as a Tier 3 Community Housing Provider with the National Regulatory System for Community Housing (NRSCH). NRSCH registration provides the assurance you need that The Disability Trust provides quality housing and tenancy management to people with disability.


The Disability Trust, unlike most generalist housing providers specialises in housing and tenancy management for people with disability and this is reflected as part of our registration. We are proud to be able to bring our expertise in relation to the needs of people with disability into the social and community housing space.

Our quality systems for our tenants and the homes in which they live include:


  1. Regular housing inspections and maintenance reports, 

  2. Tenancy satisfaction surveys and feedback mechanisms, 

  3. Accessible choice and control initiatives to support tenants’ rights to select flatmates and have say about shared living (SIL) arrangements, 

  4. Individualised tenancy accommodation agreements, 

  5. Quality asset management systems, 

  6. Centralised separate line management expertise for housing asset management and maintenance. 


These quality systems reflect and ensure The Disability Trust is able to realise our commitments to support the rights of tenants with disability. 

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